Create Plan
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Create Plan; It is the screen where a new plan definition is made in the system. Before creating a new plan, it is mandatory to select Project Name from the homepage. If the Create a new plan button is clicked without selecting the Project Name, the system displays the error message regarding the selection of the project name.
The following steps should be followed to create a new scenario;
Click the Create New Plan button.
Enter the properties of the plan to be created from the Properties.
Select A Project; allows you to select the project or one of the projects you have created.
Plan Name; this is the field where you will give the name of the plan you will create.
Group; you can group multiple scenarios under a group name.
Select scenarios from Scenarios and define Scenario Order.
Search for the project to plan, then tick the check box and select the project. The selected project is displayed in the scenario order. All projects are selected by ticking the select all check box.
a. Select the Operating System, Browser, Version and Screen Resolution.
b. Click to Add button.
c. Click the Delete to delete platform if necessary
a. Click to Save to save the new plan to the system.
b. Click to Cancel to cancel the plan definition process.