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Sign in to Slack or create an account at Slack Sign-In.
If you do not already have a workspace, create one at Slack Workspaces.
Navigate to Slack API Apps and click Create New App.
Select From Scratch on the Create an App pop-up.
Enter a name for your app, select the workspace you want to use, and click the Create App button.
Navigate to Features -> OAuth & Permissions. Under the Scopes section, add the required OAuth scopes to Bot Token Scopes. The necessary scopes are:
or chat:write.public
Navigate to Settings - Manage Distribution. Under the Share Your App with Other Workspaces section, enable Bots and Permissions.
On the same page, under the OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs section, click the Install to Workspace button to apply the changes you made.
Copy your Bot User OAuth Access Token. Then, navigate to Testinium and go to the Account Information page.
Navigate to the Plugins tab and click the Edit button for the Slack Plugin.
Paste the OAuth Access Token you copied into the SLACK API TOKEN box.
Click Save, then navigate to the Plan you want to use with the Slack Plugin. Click Edit button.
Navigate to the SCHEDULE & NOTIFICATIONS section. Enable Notifications if it is not already enabled. Select Slack as your Notification Type.
In the Slack box:
Enter @username to send the Slack notification to a specific user.
Enter #channelname to send the Slack notification to a specific channel.
Select the desired Execution Status for notifications and click the Add button. Then, click Apply and Save buttons.
14. Run your test plan. Based on the selected Execution Status, a Slack notification will be sent and should be received.