Create New Project
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When the Create New Project button is clicked, you will be directed to the creation screen of the project to be uploaded to the system.
The following steps should be followed to create a new project;
Click Create New Project button.
Select the project type.
Selenium is selected if the test will be performed on the web browser, Appium if the mobile test will be performed, and Service if the service tests will be performed.
2.1 If Selenium is selected;
a. Enter these values on the screen that pops up;
1. Project Name
2. GIT Project Folder Name (This is where the test codes are located)
3. Test File Type
Create From Template; We'll create a sample web project based on a url give.The desired url address is entered in the relevant field.
b. Click the Save button to save the new project
c. Click the Cancel button to cancel the new project definition process
2.2. If Appium is selected;
a. Enter these values on the screen that pops up;
Project Name
GIT Project Folder Name
Test File Type
IOS Mobile App
Android Mobile App
Create From Template; We'll create a sample web project based on a url give.The desired url address is entered in the relevant field.
b. Click the Save button to save the new project
c. Click the Cancel button to cancel the new project definition process.
2.3. If Service is selected;
a. Enter these values on the screen that pops up;
Project Name
Test File Type
GIT Project Folder Name (This is where the test codes are located)
Create From Template; We'll create a sample web project based on a url give.The desired url address is entered in the relevant field.
b. Click the Save button to save the new project
c. Click the Cancel button to cancel the new project definition process.
After creating the project, an access token must be created so that the account can pull the git code of the project.
The access token is created from this page;
It can be explained with the following example;
Username: demouser
Access Token: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA git clone command can be localised with the
Write the access token value (AAAAAAAAAAAAA) in the password field.
After the project is updated, it can be pushed with basic git commands.