Test Result Reports
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Test result details will be displayed on this screen.
The page navigation between the following pages is as follows;
Test Execution Details is the screen containing the details of the test result run in the system.
This screen is accessed by following the steps below;
Click the Show button on the Test Reports screen.
Test Execution Details screen is opened.
This screen lists the tests with their status. The following operations can be done on this screen;
Listing can be made according to scenario or environment.
Show only failed tests to filter failed tests.
Sort by plan scenario order can be used to sort according to the scenario order in the plan.
Export PDF allows test results to be exported as pdf.
Export Excel allows test results to be exported as excel.
Test Result Details; it is the screen where the details and logs of the run test cases listed with the status are also accessed.
The following steps should be followed to access this information;
Click the Show button on the Test Execution Report screen.
Click on the scenario whose details will be displayed, and the information about the scenario test run and the Show button will appear at the bottom of the list.
Test Execution Details screen is opened.
This screen contains the test result details of the test scenarios. The following operations can be done on this screen;
Create Jira Issue; It is the button to create a task in jira in projects that have been set up in the system.
Commands; In a screen test, each step is summarized one by one. It is observed which of these steps progressed successfully and which one failed.
Videos; Video taken in tests where Yes was selected for Video Recording while defining the plan can be accessed here.
Executor Log; is the log that the method selected in the scenario writes and creates while doing this operation.
Selenium Log; it is the log created by selenium itself. It is detailed.
Appium Log; it is the log created by appium itself. It is detailed.
Previous Results; it is a test result that was previously run in the same environment.
XML Report; it is the screen where messages for the relevant test run are displayed by the system. With this report, users will be able to easily analyze the test result in case of incompatibility between the test run result and the messages on the screen.
Download Report; when the user click the Download Report button, the system exports test result detail report in pdf format.
Share Report; when the user click the Share Report button, the system create a link to share.
There is a test scenario with Pass and Fail Count.